Uganda Nurses and Midwives Association UK (UNMA-UK CIC) was formed in 2020.
UNMA-UK CIC is not affiliated with any political or religious organisation, the association was formed by and for Ugandan registered nurses, midwives, health visitors, and nursing students who live in the United Kingdom.
Business management of associations is undertaken by its directors, who are in turn, supported by an executive committee membership. For purposes of the charity law, the association is also overseen by appointed trustees.
UGANDA NURSES AND MIDWIVES ASSOCIATION – UK seeks to develop a vibrant, supportive organization to prosper the welfare of UK-Ugandan nurses, midwives, and health care assistants, and to advance the value of nursing development through education and professional network.
The vision is to unlock the professional know-how of our members, empower them to develop beyond their limitations, consider their professional and personal space, to use this as a professional group but as individuals to drive change within nursing and midwifery both here in the United Kingdom, Uganda and globally.
UNMA-UK was formed during the COVID pandemic initially to bring together Ugandan nurses and midwives who were working in the UK private and healthcare sector. We have since widened our membership to include student nurses and all pre-registration members. We provide essential support to Ugandan nurses and midwives working across the entire health and social care sectors including the NHS and private healthcare.
Our values are premised on equality, diversity, tolerance and inclusivity. Our members include colleagues working across the UK health and social sector both in the public and sectors in academia, research, and as private nurse entrepreneurs.
Our core values
We are Compassionate, we Empower each other, we Learn from one another, we explore Opportunities together, and we are Respectful of each other and work with Integrity in pursing the UNMA-UK Visions and Aims.