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UNMA-UK 4th Anniversary Northamption


Health Promotion Event in Northampton


Uganda Nurses and Midwives Association U.K. Event


Herbert Mwebe (Co-Director UNMA-UK), in attendance at the Cameroonian Nurses and Midwives social dinner in 2023. With Rose Hombo (President of the Cameroonian Nurses Association) and Marie Croft ( Chief Nurse of Oxford Health. Herbert Mwebe (Co-Director UNMA-UK) was in attendance at the Ivory Coast Nurses and Midwives social dinner in 2023. With Lydie Gnahoua (President of the Ivory Coast Nurses Association)


Luo social dance and dinner event 16.12.23. UNMAK-UK was represented at the end-of-year community dinner and dance. The other community leaders in attendance called on more close working partnerships amongst migrant communities to help strengthen the voice of the diaspora within our communities. In these photos is the current President (Justine Nakimuli Odongo, vice president (Timothy Mugerwa)